
23 Architecture Fails That Are Unfortunate But Hilarious


1. This Indiana Jones-esque doorway.

SimonNelson22 / Via reddit.com
2. This tiling nightmare.
TitanShifter02 / Via reddit.com
3. This door that you wouldn't want to come back to after a few beers.
wattaahh / Via reddit.com
4. This booby trapped lock.
LuigiLover101 / Via reddit.com
5. This floating fridge.
jwayyedh / Via reddit.com
6. This door to nowhere.
Lebeis / Via reddit

7. This dangerous exit.

reallyintresting / Via reddit.com
8. And this equally terrifying escape.
fial4563 / Via reddit.com
9. This not so private toilet.
FacesOfMu / Via reddit.com
10. These triggering tiles.
mildlyinfuriating / Via reddit.com
11. This divided stairwell.
worlockthewise / Via reddit.com

12. And this rollercoaster ramp.

PrinceK15 / Via reddit.com
13. This off-centred door.
Lil_ZcrazyG / Via reddit.com
14. And this wall that just isn't quite right.
vadim_vaper / Via reddit.com
15. This handrail that doubles up as a lock.
puddludd / Via reddit.com
16. These urinals that are mighty close.
a_venus_flytrap / Via reddit

17.This security gate that...isn't so secure.
medelditector123 / Via reddit.com
18. These not so private toilets.
19. This floating door.
scrubtitan2 / Via reddit
20. This uncomfortable bed.
TheXanderp / Via reddit.com
21. This incredibly lazy tiling.
reddit.com / Via Melisaenn

22. This pointless security gate.

richh00 / Via reddit.com

23. And finally these urinals that make a spectacle out of peeing.
Zunnen / Via reddit.com

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